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Tiếng Việt
Happiness smiles with Duong Van Binh   

Happiness smiles with Duong Van Binh  

As a 2nd-generation victim of Agent Orange, who is living in Bach Quang ward, Song Cong city, Thai Nguyen province, Duong Van Binh has overcome his own limitations to rise up and become a shining example for other people to follow.
Path of life – The fire never dies

Path of life – The fire never dies

The following article is about a Vietnamese-French woman who has restlessly been proceeding against U.S. chemical companies that manufactured and supplied toxic chemicals of dioxin, including Agent Orange, for the U.S. Army to spray in South Vietnam during the war.
Silent sacrifices

Silent sacrifices

Although the war has receded, the pain and loss still follow many policy families, war invalids and martyrs. In fact, some wounds will eventually be healed, but the colorless, odorless, and tasteless ones can only be understood by those who are victims of Agent Orange. When the weather changes, ...
Agent Orange sequelae, our pain and responsibilities

Agent Orange sequelae, our pain and responsibilities

These diseases and deformities cause persistent pain, unhappiness, and trauma both physically and mentally for many victims and their families over the course of two or three generations. Each victim has a different pain, and each victim family has a different circumstance, but they all suffer.
Dioxin and the pains remain

Dioxin and the pains remain

The war has receded, but the sequelae left to Agent Orange victims persist for generations. According to research, Agent Orange/dioxin can cause negative effects on the human body, such as: