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Applying biotechnology for sustainable development of the country in the new situation

On January 30, 2023, the Politburo (13th tenure) issued Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW "on the development and application of biotechnology for the sustainable development of the country in the new situation".

The Resolution determines to develop and make our country the one with developed biotechnology in the world. The resolution also emphasizes the need to proactively respond to terrorist attacks using biological agents, wars using biological weapons... to meet the requirements of the task of Fatherland protection in the new situation. As the standing agency of the Vietnam National Head Agency on preventing and countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including biological weapons, the Chemical Corps has synchronously deployed many solutions to bring Resolution into life.

In recent years, there have been many progresses and achievements in the development and application of biotechnology to serve the cause of industrialization, modernization of the country, and building the country's defense potential. Biotechnology has been increasingly and widely applied in social life, making breakthroughs in the fields of agriculture, processing industry, medicine and pharmacy, environment..., contributing to promoting socio-economic development, environmental protection, defense and security assurance.

Major Ha Van Cu (6th from right) at the Conference on Results of testing the technology for dioxin treatment at Bien Hoa airport

 In order to realize the goal of turning Vietnam into a country with a developed biotechnology industry in the coming years, many policies and solutions are required. Resolution No. 36 also identifies main tasks and solutions to develop this field.

Firstly, unifying awareness of the development and application of biotechnology in the new situation. This requires that party committees, party organizations, cadres, and party members research and deeply grasp the Party's guidelines, policies, and laws on the development and application of biotechnology; promote propaganda and education to raise awareness of the political system, people and businesses of the importance of developing and applying biotechnology to serve socio-economic development, defense and security assurance, and improving people's lives.

 Second, continuing to build and perfect the system of laws, mechanisms, and policies for the development and application of biotechnology. In particular, it is emphasized that there must be policies to encourage businesses, organizations and individuals to research, apply and produce biotechnology products and ensure biosecurity; have outstanding and appropriate policies to develop and apply biotechnology, produce high-value biotechnology products in the fields of agriculture, industry, medicine, defense and security.

Third, focusing on developing and effectively applying biotechnology in production and life; developing bio-industry into an important economic and technical sector serving the cause of building and protecting the Fatherland.

Fourth, building human resources in the field of biotechnology, increasing investment in facilities to meet the requirements of biotechnology research, development and application. In particular, it is necessary to build a model for training human resources in biotechnology from high schools to tertiary education. Education should be associated with scientific research and practical needs. Attach importance to building a team of leading scientists, forming and developing prestigious research groups of international level in the field of biotechnology.


Fifth, promoting international cooperation on biotechnology. Accordingly, there should be policies for purchasing, transferring, and exchanging biotechnology, in which priority is given to researching and transferring new and high-value technologies from the world into Vietnam.


Developing biotechnology is a sound and proactive direction of our Party and State. However, we also anticipate and clearly identify difficulties, and at the same time be cautious of the possibility that hostile, reactionary forces and bad entities make use of the development of biotechnology for bad purposes like using biological weapons for terrorism. In addition, it is necessary to prevent the unwanted consequences may be caused during the process of research, development and application of biotechnology.

 In fact, using biotechnology achievements as weapons to conduct terrorist attacks (bioterrorism) may cause enormous consequences. This includes actions that intentionally spread harmful biological agents, such as bacteria, viruses, toxins from bacteria, toxic mushrooms... causing diseases to humans and animals with extensive damage, unlimited space and time, which is very difficult to detect. A bioterrorist attack can cause devastating harm.

 In recent years, the Chemical Corps has proactively advised and proposed to the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense on responding to terrorist situations using biological agents and wars using biological weapons. The Corps regularly researches and firmly grasps the situation and development trends of biological weapons; promptly advises and proposes solutions to respond to possible situations; proactively propose and participate in drafting and promulgating legal documents related to the prevention and combat of the  proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including biological weapons (such as Decree 81/2019/ND-CP on preventing and combating the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, Law on Civil Defense...); advises the Government and the Ministry of National Defense on the implementation of International conventions to which Vietnam is a member such as the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), and the Treaty on Non-Proliferation Nuclear Weapon (NPT)...which are aimed to build, develop, and gradually modernize forces to prevent and combat the proliferation of biological weapons; respond to toxic chemical, biological, radiation, and nuclear incidents (CBRN); acquire modern means and equipment from developed countries to detect biological agents. The Corps regularly holds and directs training and exercises on preventing and combating situations of biological weapons proliferation and responding to toxic chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear incidents; civil defense exercises responding to CBRN  incidents; coordinates in combine military exercises; and directs exercises in many localities across the country.

Deeply grasping the viewpoints, goals, and tasks of Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW, dated January 30, 2023 of the Politburo (13th tenure), the Chemical Corps Party Committee has determined to focus on well performing the tasks mentioned in the Resolution regarding the Army and the Corps. Effectively implementing this important task will contribute to ensuring national security, maintaining political and economic stability, preserving peace, sustainable development, strengthening national defense and protecting the Fatherland early and from afar.

In order to achieve the above goal, the Chemical Corps Party Committee focuses on leading and directing the synchronous implementation of the following contents and solutions:

Firstly, enhancing education, propaganda, and dissemination of knowledge on responding to bioterrorist situations and biological warfare. Agencies and units focus on promoting education, propaganda, and raising awareness and responsibility of officers and soldiers in responding to terrorist situations using biological agents and wars using biological weapons to make their soldiers fully aware of the meaning and importance of this work, which is the "combat mission in peacetime" of the Chemical troops. Education should focus on building officers and soldiers with political steadfastness, experience and skills in preventing, combating, and handling chemical, biological, radiological incidents and environmental disasters; the faith in weapons and equipment and a belief in victory, thereby raising their determination and responsibility in task performance. Direct the chemical agencies and units military-wide to direct and coordinate closely with functional agencies of departments, ministries, branches and localities to thoroughly conduct propaganda and information work on epidemic situation, promptly orient public opinion and act as the core force to guide the people in the prevention of disease and biological weapons prevention in all situations.

Second, continuing to advise and propose to the Ministry of National Defense and the Government to develop and perfect the system of laws, mechanisms and policies on preventing the proliferation of biological weapons and responding to bioterrorist situations. Implementing this content, along with promoting research, advising and proposing to the Ministry of National Defense and the Government on issues related to the implementation of international treaties, the Corps needs to proactively coordinate closely with sectors and functional agencies to review the system of current legal documents and policies, identify documents that need to be promulgated, amended and supplemented, and necessary contents for synchronous, unified and effective implementation. In particular,  importance should be attached to the development of regulations, principles, policies, measures, forces and means of preventing and combating weapons of mass destruction; responsibilities of agencies, organizations and individuals in preventing and combating biological agents and biological warfare.

Third, regularly research and accurately forecast the biosecurity situation in the world to advise and propose to the Ministry of Defense quick, timely and accurate responding measures. Accordingly, the Corps should proactively coordinate closely with agencies and units inside and outside the Army to collect information, grasp the situation, and increase the exchange of information related to the biosecurity situation, especially biological agents and materials related to biological weapons; strengthen monitoring mechanisms and firmly grasp research and development activities on biological agents, epidemics, and use of biological weapons. On that basis, it proactively and actively advises the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense on solutions to prevent and respond to non-traditional security situations caused by biological agents, terrorist activities and riots using biological agents.

Fourth, proactively building forces and equipment to ensure the readiness to respond to the use of biological weapons and biological agents. To meet the mission requirements, the Party Committee and the Command of the Corps attach special importance to building and organizing a specialized chemical force that is lean, compact, and strong with high combat and mobility capabilities, meeting the requirements of combating chemical, biological and radiological terrorist attacks in all situations. In particular, priority should be given to building a specialized chemical force to combat terrorism in accordance with the functions and tasks of the Corps, staffed with specialized advanced equipment to reconnaissance, detect, and promptly handle chemical, biological, and radiological situations. Develop plans, options, and prepare resources; regularly hold drills on preventing and combating the use of biological weapons and biological agents to improve command and control capacity, practical skills, coordination level of forces and  capabilities of staff carrying out the work of preventing and combating the proliferation of biological weapons.

 Fifth, strengthening international cooperation and closely coordinating with ministries, branches and localities in preventing and combating the proliferation of biological weapons and biological warfare. The Corps strengthens the exchange of information related to biosecurity in particular, response to toxic chemical, biological, radiation, and nuclear incidents in general, and strengthens cooperation within the framework of the global network on monitoring biology security, especially strengthening the deployment of the Asean military expert network in chemistry, biology, and radiation. In particular, promote cooperation in forecasting, warning, equipment use, and action coordination mechanism; promote research and transfer of new and high-value technologies from the world into Vietnam. At the same time, actively participate in drills and training on preventing and combating the proliferation of biological weapons and wars using biological weapons in the region to exchange and learn experience, and improve organizational and command capabilities to respond to situations./.

                                                                                                   Major General Ha Van Cu   

                                                                   Commander of the Chemical Corps



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