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Tiếng Việt

Continue to promote the tradition of "Solidarity - Benevolence - Responsibility - For the victims of Agent Orange", promoting innovation, building strong associations, and successfully completing all tasks assigned by the Party and State.

Dear the Presidium of the Congress,

Delegates and distinguished guests!

Today I am very pleased to attend the 5th National Congress of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin, 2023 - 2028 term. On behalf of the leaders of the Party and State, I would like to wish you all the best. May the congress be a great success.

Dear congress!

Through listening to the reports and opinions expressed at the Congress, I am very pleased to see that in the past term, despite many difficulties and challenges, especially the Covid-19 pandemic and its heavy consequences on the country's socio-economy, VAVA has strived to overcome difficulties,  implement all aspects of its work and successfully completed its goals and tasks set by its Fourth National Congress. Notably: VAVA has done a good job in coordinating and consulting with the Party, State, Party Committees, and authorities at all levels on implementing Directive No. 43-CT/TW, dated May 14, 2015 of the Party Secretariat on strengthening the Party's leadership in overcoming the consequences of toxic chemicals used by the US during the war in Vietnam; actively coordinated and proposed policies for war participants infected with toxic chemicals; carried out better and more sustainably the work of caring for and helping the victims with thousands of charity houses being built and hundreds of billions of VND in scholarships being granted to children and grandchildren of the victims; hundreds of victims were helped with employment and millions of people were supported with medical examination and treatment. The movement of "Action for victims of Agent Orange", "Month of action for victims of Agent Orange in 2023" was responded to and accompanied by many organizations and individuals both at home and abroad. The development of the Association's organization achieved many positive results, with more associations being founded at district, commune, and branch levels and more members being accepted. The struggle to demand justice for victims of Agent Orange continues to be carried out in many new appropriate forms and measures, associated with people-to-people diplomacy activities, contributing to making changes in the awareness and policies of agencies of the US Government towards the victims of Agent Orange. This can be seen as one of the great successes of the Central Committee of the Association in the past five years.

On behalf of the Party and State leaders, I acknowledge and strongly praise the results that VAVA has achieved in the past term.

Dear congress!

The consistent viewpoint of our Party and State is that economic growth goes hand in hand with social progress and justice right in each step of development, each policy and throughout the development process; ensuring social security according to the motto "leaving no one behind". In recent years, the Party and State have issued many guidelines and policies to gradually improve and enhance the material and spiritual life of the people, implement social protection, and pay attention to the weak people in society, including the victims of Agent Orange. Every year, the State spends tens of thousands of billions of VND on subsidies, health care, rehabilitation for the victims of Agent Orange, and support for especially difficult areas severely affected by Agent Orange.

However, the impact of Agent Orange/dioxin on the environment and human health is still very severe, and social policies cannot fully compensate for the sufferings that Agent Orange Agents have to endure. In our country, many victims are still living in poverty and illness; they are struggling for life every hour and every minute. Many mothers and wives of the victims still silently take care of their husbands and children every month and every day with the pain in their hearts. Therefore, we need to continue to "join hands to ease the pain of Agent Orange", help them light the fire of faith, ease their difficulties, and strive to integrate into the community.

In that spirit, I recommend that VAVA continue to comprehensively evaluate the achievements that have been achieved, carefully review the advantages, limitations, difficulties, and lessons learned during the past term, and clearly determine the direction, goals, tasks, and solutions to effectively implement the Association's political tasks in the coming term, focusing on the following key tasks:

Firstly, all levels of the association should continue to thoroughly grasp and implement the Party's guidelines and the State's policies concerning the victims of Agent Orange, focusing on Directive No. 43-CT/TW, dated May 14, 2015 of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat on strengthening the Party's leadership in overcoming the consequences of toxic chemicals used by the US during the war in Vietnam; Directive No. 14-CT/TW, dated July 19, 2017 of the Party’s Secretariat on strengthening the Party's leadership in the work of repaying gratitude to people with meritorious services to the revolution... In particular, emphasis should be placed on doing a good job of coordinating, advising and proposing to the local Party Committee and authorities on measures to improve the effectiveness of mobilizing resources to support, care for and help the victims; implement policies towards war participants and their children infected with Agent Orange/dioxin, ensuring that all incentives and policies of the Party and State come to the right beneficiaries.

Second, have strong, substantial and effective innovations in the Association's operating methods according to the motto "toward the grassroots, toward the victims". The Executive Committee and Standing Committee of the Association in the new term should pay attention to innovating the content and methods of direction and administration; pay more attention to proposing major, fundamental and long-term issues to create conditions for the Association to improve quality and efficiency of operation. Try to mobilize more resources to care for and help victims.  All activities of the Association must stem from the legitimate aspirations, rights and interests of the victims, helping them gradually integrate into the community and have living standards that are equal to the average ones in their neighborhood.

Third, build an appropriate structure for the Association to make it lean and effective in accordance with the Party's policy and Regulations on organization and operation of mass associations assigned by the Party and State promulgated in Decision No. 118-QD/TW dated August 22, 2023 of the Party Central Committee Secretariat. Continue to establish the association’s affiliates in districts and communes (wards) that are qualified for establishment. Adhere to the Association's principles, goals and tasks as assigned by the Party and State; protect the legal and legitimate rights and interests of members and Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange. In particular, it is necessary to regularly strengthen and build a team of officials with sufficient qualities, capabilities, and qualifications to meet the requirements and tasks.



Fourth, continue to promote the Movement of "Action for Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange" launched by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, thereby, calling on compatriots and soldiers nationwide and Vietnamese people abroad to continue promoting the tradition of solidarity and mutual love, "joining hands to ease Agent Orange pain" with practical and effective actions. During the emulation movements, it is necessary to promptly praise and honor groups and individuals with good achievements; replicate the role models and typical examples of Agent Orange victims.

Fifth, further improve the quality and effectiveness of people-to-people diplomacy in the context that international relations, especially the Vietnam-US relations have new development. The fight for justice for Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange should be carried out with appropriate and creative methods and forms, in accordance with the Party's foreign policies and guidelines. We will continue to ask the US Government to take more responsibility in overcoming the consequences of toxic chemicals on the environment and human health in Vietnam; continue to mobilize the world people to support the victims of Agent Orange in Vietnam and actively fight for human rights and peace, and prevent the production and use of weapons of mass destruction against humanity.


The 5th National Congress of VAVA, 2023 - 2028 term, was held on the 20th anniversary of its foundation (January 10, 2004 - January 10, 2024). This event marks the growth and development of the Association from central to local levels, at the same time, affirming its position, spillover effect and prestige domestically and internationally.

 With that meaning, I would like to congratulate the Congress and the 20th anniversary of VAVA’s establishment. I wish that officials and members at all levels of the Association continue to promote the tradition of "Solidarity - Benevolence - Responsibility - For Victims of Agent Orange", promote innovation, make the Association strong and successfully complete all tasks assigned by the Party and State, and truly be the reliable support of Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange.

On this occasion, I would like to send my warm regards and best wishes to the victims of Agent Orange throughout the country.

Once again, wishing you good health, happiness. May the Congress be a great success.

Thank you very much./.


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