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Tiếng Việt

Resolution of the 5th Congress of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin, for 2023-2028 term.

The 5th Congress of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin, 2023-2028 term, was held from December 28 to 29, 2023 in Hanoi. 297 delegates representing more than 400 thousand members across the country attended the congress. The Congress received the attention, leadership, and direction of the Party and State, as well as the coordination and help of central departments, ministries, branches, and localities. In particular, the Congress was honored to have the presence of Ms. Bui Thi Minh Hoai, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Mass Mobilization Commission.

After listening to and discussing the documents presented at the Congress, the 5th Congress of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin:

1. Approve the content of the Report on the Association's work for the 2018-2023 term, the directions, tasks and solutions for the 2023-2028 term.

Regarding the implementation of the Resolution of the Fourth Congress, 2018-2023 term.

In the 4th term, associations at all levels have inherited and promoted the results achieved in the 3rd term, strived to overcome difficulties, achieved the set goals, and successfully completed both tasks of helping and fighting for justice for Agent Orange victims. The Association has seen remarkable developments, affirming its role and position, becoming an increasingly prestigious and effective organization, successfully completing the tasks assigned by the Party and the State.

However, the operational quality and efficiency of some associations are still low; the consultation for party committees, authorities, Fatherland Front and related agencies is still limited; some associations failed to attract the required number of members; the implementation of the charter and working regulations has yet to be really democratic; the work of mobilizing resources in some places is still passive, lacking perseverance, and not diverse in forms; the results of mobilization are still low or not commensurate with the actual potential of the locality.

Regarding the goals, directions, and tasks in the 2023-2028 term.

- Continue to advise, propose, and strengthen inspection of the understanding and implementation, moving towards the summarization of 10 years of implementation of Directive No. 43-CT/TW dated May 14, 2015 of the Party’s Secretariat. Thoroughly implement the directives, ordinances, decrees, regulations, circulars... related to the work of overcoming the consequences of chemical toxins in war and the organization and operations of mass associations.

- Continue to develop associations in places with sufficient conditions. Strive to have associations in all districts and 70%  of the communes with qualified conditions; admit 3-5% more members and honorary members. Focus on improving the operational quality and efficiency. Strive that 100% of the associations complete their tasks, of which 60% complete their tasks well or above; 100% of the cadres of the associations complete their tasks, of which 30% or more complete their tasks well and excellently; 100% of its cadres do not violate discipline.

- Strictly abide by the regulations on fund management without violations. Strive that by the end of the term 80% of the Provincial Associations have their own funds according to Government regulations; 100% of the district-level associations and 80% of commune-level associations have funds from social or voluntary sources. Strive that the total amount of money raised in the next term will reach 1,500 - 2,000 billion VND (including money and in-kind items converted into money).

- Regarding the care and support for the victims: Strive to build and repair 2,000-2,500 houses; grant 25,000 scholarships; provide production capital for 2,000 victims' families; provide wheelchairs for 100% of needed victims; pay visit and provide gifts to 100% of the victims in difficult circumstances in Tet and holiday occasions. Conduct medical examination and treatment for about 5,000-7,000 victims/year.

- Strive that each AO victims nursing Center will provide boarding care for 30 to 50 victims/year. Each detox sauna center carries out 7 to 10 sessions/year with absolute safety.

- Conduct propaganda and emulation activities, especially on the occasion of the 65th Anniversary of the Agent Orange Disaster in Vietnam (August 10, 1961 - August 10, 2026). 100% of provincial-level associations strictly comply with the Regulations on Emulation and Commendation.

- Persevere and continue to promote activities to fight for justice for victims of Agent Orange in accordance with the Party and State's foreign policies and guidelines.

2. Approve the draft amended and supplemented Charter to submit to the Ministry of Home Affairs for approval.

3. Approval of the documents: Report on Review of the Executive Board of the 4th term; Report on inspection work for the 4th term, directions for inspection activities for the 5th term; Report on financial work, results of Fund mobilization for the 4th term, and orientations for the 5th term.

4. Approve the election results of the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin for the 2023 - 2028 term, including 75/81 members. The Executive Committee elected a Standing Committee consisting of 14/15 members; elected Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu Chinh as President of the Association; elected Major General, Dr. Do Hong Lam, Senior Colonel, Dr. Pham Xuan Hung, and Major General, Associate Professor, PhD, People's Doctor Nguyen Hong Son as Vice presidents of the Central Committee of the Association. The Executive Committee elects members of the Inspectorate consisting of 5 members; Major General, Dr. Do Hong Lam as Head of the Inspectorate.

5. The Congress continues to honor Ms. Nguyen Thi Binh, former member of the Party Central Committee, former Vice President of the State, as the Honorary President of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin for the term 2023 - 2028.

6. Assign the Executive Committee of the 5th term to complete the Congress documents together with the levels of the Association to concretize the Congress Resolution into specific annual tasks and strive to implement those tasks with good results.

7. The Congress calls on all cadres and members of the Association to stay united and join hands with the Executive Committee in efforts to overcome difficulties and successfully implement the Resolution of the 5th Congress of the  2023-2028 term.


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